Privacy policy


At Ayuntamiento de Tarancón we take our users’ privacy very seriously. One of the foundations of our activity is collecting and protecting your personal information. We want our registered users, and any other interested person, to know exactly how we collect and use your personal data.

Through the service Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, Ayuntamiento de Tarancón aims to collect feedback that will contribute to improve their operations. To achieve this, our Users display their identity, communicate with their web of followers, exchange opinions and participate in discrete polls. It is crucial for Ayuntamiento de Tarancón to maintain our Users’ confidence by using their personal data in a responsible manner.

This means Ayuntamiento de Tarancón adheres to the following principles in order to protect your privacy:

We protect your personal information and only provide it to third parties:

(1) with your consent;

(2) where it is necessary to carry out your transactions;

(3) as reasonably necessary in order to provide our features and functionality to you;

(4) when we reasonably believe it is required by law, subpoena or other legal processes; or

(5) as necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, our Users, and the public.

We have implemented appropriate security safeguards designed to protect your information in accordance with industry standards.

We may modify this Privacy Policy at any given time, and if we introduce material changes to it, we will provide notice through the website, applications, or through other means so that you may review the changes made before continuing to use Ayuntamiento de Tarancón. If you object to any changes, you may close your account. The continued use of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón after we publish or communicate a notice about any changes made to the Privacy Policy signifies your consent to the changes.

Information we collect

The personal information sent in or received by Ayuntamiento de Tarancón is controlled by Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 1, 16400 Cuenca, España. Ayuntamiento de Tarancón will store the data in the file Plataforma de participación which purpose is: "Facilitar una plataforma de participación ciudadana para el Ayuntamiento de Tarancón". The responsable for the file Plataforma de participación is Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, who can be contacted through If you have any concerns about sending in your personal information to Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, or how this information will be published in the services of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, or used in any other way as explained by our Privacy Policy or User Agreement, you should not sign up as a User of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón or use our website. If you have already created an account, you can delete it.

We collect your personal information in the following ways:

A. Registration

In order to create an account on Ayuntamiento de Tarancón you must provide at least your name, your e-mail address, and a password. Once you are signed in, in order to participate in some participatory processes, you must provide your ID number and your date of birth. We might also ask you for other data like your city of residence, sex, profession or studies. We use this additional information, that will not show up on your Ayuntamiento de Tarancón profile or seen by other users unless specified otherwise, in order to obtain more specific classifications in the participation statistics. This will allow us to provide those interested with valuable information. You understand, that by creating an account with Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, others will be able to identify you by your profile, and you accept that Ayuntamiento de Tarancón use such information in accordance with the Privacy Policy and User Agreement.

B. Profile Information

Once you create your account, you may later add information to your Ayuntamiento de Tarancón profile. If you provide additional information, you will be taking greater advantage of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón as these sections help further idenitfy you and will allow you to discover others Users with similar interests or other information that may be of interest to you.

C. Ayuntamiento de Tarancón's contacts and other services synced with their tools

Ayuntamiento de Tarancón collects information about the contacts you have in other social networking sites or in your e-mail address book and uses it to help expand your network on Ayuntamiento de Tarancón. We will not give access to your e-mail address to any other parties at any moment.

Any information you upload or sync with Ayuntamiento de Tarancón is included in this Privacy Policy. You may delete your information at any time using the functions of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón. We collect information when you sync content outside of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón with your account. We use this information to improve your experience.

D. Information Service

When you contact the Information Services of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, we collect information that helps us classify your question; address it; and if it is needed, investigate any breach of this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use. We also use the aforementioned information to follow-up with any potential problems or trends and to personalize our responses with the goal of understanding you better.

E. Use of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón and its applications

We collect information when you use the Ayuntamiento de Tarancón website, its applications, and the platform technology of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón. For example, we collect information when you participate in debates.

F. Advertising Technologies and Web Beacons

Ayuntamiento de Tarancón does not offer third-party services to its users.

On the website of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón Users publish posts, book tickets for events and participate in debates, surveys and other participatory processes.

Ayuntamiento de Tarancón does not share under any concept the identity or the e-mail of our Users to third-parties for lucrative purposes. We will not share identifying data with advertisers although your profile can be seen by other Ayuntamiento de Tarancón Users or internet users on public searches. Your activity on the platform and your interaction with our emails can leave traces that can be used to develop profiles of individuals.

G. Cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies, including mobile identifiers, to help us recognize you, improve your experience on Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, increase security, measure the use of our services, and provide advertisements of our services on other social networks and websites. You can control cookies through your browser settings and other tools. When you visit Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, you give permission for the placement of cookies and beacons on your browser in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

H. Log Files, IP Addresses, and information About your Computer and Mobile Device

When you visit Ayuntamiento de Tarancón we receive the IP Address of your computer or the server proxy that you use to access the web, your computer’s operation system, your browsing system, your mobile device (inluding the mobile device identifier provided by the mobile device’s operating system), your mobile uperating system (if you access Ayuntamiento de Tarancón from your mobile device) as well as your Internet service provider or your mobie carrier. This information is used to optimize the way our site is displayed on your mobile device.

I. Other Information

Ayuntamiento de Tarancón is a dynamic and innovative environment which means we are always looking for new ways to improve the services we offer. We often incorporate new functions, some of which may involve the collection of new information.

How we use your personal information

We use your information to provide you with a personalized service.

A. Consent to Information Processing from Ayuntamiento de Tarancón

The personal information you provide us with may reveal or allow other people to identify aspects of your life that may not be expressed directly on your profile. When you provide us with personal information at the time of creating a profile or when you update your profile you are accepting, expressly and voluntarily, the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón. And you accept and consent to, freely, that we may process your personal information as stated in this Privacy Policy. The provision of information on your behalf, including any information that may be considered “sensitive” by the applicable law, is a completely voluntary act. You have the right to withdraw or modify your consent to Ayuntamiento de Tarancón’s collection and use of the personal information you provide at any moment, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, by changing your configuration setting or deleting your account.

B. Ayuntamiento de Tarancón Communications

We communicate with you via e-mail, notifications published on the Ayuntamiento de Tarancón website, and other available means through Services. Here are some examples of these messages:

(1) Welcoming and participation messages: when you register on Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, we may send you a series of e-mails to inform you of how best to use Ayuntamiento de Tarancón as well as any new functions

(2) Service messages: these include service availability, security, and other issues of the websites functionality.

(3) Promotional messages: include e-mail messages and may contain promotional information.

(4) Notifications: These inform you punctually of registered activity on our platform based on your selected interests

These messages will be sent out to you in accordance with your message and notifications settings. You may change your settings via e-mail or by contacting us at any time. You may also stop receiving promotional messages by contacting Ayuntamiento de Tarancón directly. Note that you cannot stop receiving Service messages from Ayuntamiento de Tarancón.

C. Communications

In numerous communications that you initiate via Ayuntamiento de Tarancón (for example, when you decide to follow another User) your name will appear in the message header. The messages you initiate may also provide the receiver with information about your network (for example, how many followers you have).

D. Personalized Content

We use the information you provide us with to personalize your experience as well as others’ on Ayuntamiento de Tarancón. For example, when you begin a session on your account, we can show you the names of new Users that have recently followed you or recent updates from your contacts.

E. Sharing Information with Third-parties

Your public profile on Ayuntamiento de Tarancón will be indexed and displayed on public search engines when someone searches for your name. You can change your profile information or delete your account. However, third-party search engines may not automatically update their caché memory which may contain outdated information from your public profile.

We will neither rent nor sell public information that you did not publish on Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, except as stated in this Privacy Policy. We will not share personal information that you have not published on your profile or that may have been generated through your participation in other services of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón without your knowledge or to process your instructions, except when Ayuntamiento de Tarancón believes in good faith that it is permitted by law or that disclosure is reasonably necessary to:

(1) Comply with a legal procedure, including: civil or criminal trial, court orders, or other mandatory revelations;

(2) Enforce this Privacy Policy or Terms of Use;

(3) Respond to Third-party rights violations;

(4) Respond to User questions; or

(5) Protect the rights, property or security of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, of our Users, or the general public.

The content distributed via the sharing functions of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón and third-party integrations can lead to some of your personal information being shown outside of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón. If you have associated your Ayuntamiento de Tarancón account with your Google+ or Facebook accounts, then you may easily share content from Ayuntamiento de Tarancón to these social networks.

F. Developers that use platform services of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón

We collaborate and allow third-parties to use the development platform of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón to offer shared services and functionalities. These third-party developers have signed an agreement to use Ayuntamiento de Tarancón’s platform technology. Our API terms and add-ons contain restrictions about how third-parties may access, store, and use the personal information you provide Ayuntamiento de Tarancón. If you decide to use a platform Application, you will be asked to confirm your acceptance of the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use of the third-party web developer.

G. Organization Accounts

Ayuntamiento de Tarancón allows organizations to create accounts. These accounts are public and the entity that created them may access any communications and published information through these accounts.

H. Fulfillment of a Court Order and other revelations

We may release your personal information, profile information, or information about your activities as a Ayuntamiento de Tarancón user when required by law, a citation, or any other order dictated by a court or if Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, believes in good faith that the release is reasonable to:

(1) Investigate, prevent, or act upon suspected or actual illegal activities or to aid government enforcement agencies;

(2) Enforce the User agreement, investigate and defend ourselves against third-party claims, or to protect the security or integrity of our Services;

(3) To enforce or protect the rights, the property, or the security of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, our Users, employees or others.

I. Disclosures to Third-parties as a result of a change in control of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón

We may also disclose your personal information to a third-party as a result of a change in control of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, or to prepare for any of these events. Any third-party to which Ayuntamiento de Tarancón transfers the control of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón to will have the right to continue using the personal information and other data that you provide to us in the manner set out by this Privacy Policy.

Your Choices and Obligations

A. Rights to access, correction or deleting your information, and closing your account

You have a right to:

(1) Access, modify, correct, or delete your information controlled by Ayuntamiento de Tarancón as related to your profile. This can be done on the platform itself or by sending an email to

(2) Change or delete your content, and

(3) Delete your account.

You may also contact us about any information that is not on your profile or that you may not easily access. If you close your account, your information will be generally deleted from the Service within 24 hours. Normally, we remove the information of closed accounts and delete any record or other secured information in a period of 30 days after the closing of the account, except in the following cases:

Keep in mind that the information you have shared with other people (for example, via comments on public debates or content exchange) or that other people may have copied will continue to be seen even after you have deleted your account or removed it from your profile. You may not be able to access, edit, or delete your information that other Users have copied or exported from Ayuntamiento de Tarancón because it may no longer be under our control. Your public profile may continue to come up on search engines until they update their cache.

Voting in political projects is completely anonymous which is why it will be impossible for us to trace, identify, and delete your vote.

B. Data Retention

We retain the personal information that you provide as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services. Ayuntamiento de Tarancón may retain your personal information even after you close your account if the retention is reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes amongst Users, prevent fraud or abuses or to apply this Privacy Policy. We can retain our Users’ personal information during a limited period of time, if requested by law enforcement.

C. Your obligations

As a User, you have certain obligations with respect to other Users. Some of these obligations are imposed by law and applicable norms and others have become common practice in communities of Users similar to Ayuntamiento de Tarancón:

  • You must comply, at all times, the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy, the Conditions of Use and other Ayuntamiento de Tarancón policies. This includes the intellectual property of third-parties such as commercial brands or copyrights.

  • You may not download or distribute information that may infringe on the rights of other people or that may be considered harmful, violent, offensive, sexist, homophobic, racist, or xenophobic, or that may violate in any other way the spirit and values of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón and its User community.

  • You must keep your e-mail address and password private and not share it with others.
  • Not complying with these norms or any other detailed ones throughout the website may result in the restriction, suspension, or termination of your account in sole discretion of Ayuntamiento de Tarancón.

    Relevant Information

    A. Changes to this Privacy Policy

    It is possible that we may modify this Privacy Policy in the future. If we make significant changes in the way we treat your personal information, or in the Privacy Policy, we will notify you in the Services or by other means such as e-mail. Review the changes attentively. If you agree with the changes, then simply continue using our Services. If you object to the changes introduced in the terms and you no longer wish to use Ayuntamiento de Tarancón, you may delete your account. Unless otherwise mentioned, our current Privacy Policy applies to all the information that Ayuntamiento de Tarancón has about you and your account. If you use Ayuntamiento de Tarancón after receiving a notification about changes or after being published in our Services, then it is understood that you are in accordance with the modified terms and practices.